Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Summer is here! #MisterJuanInDubai

Summer is just around the corner and it is possible that it’s (REALLY, REALLY) coming in fast.

Given this, we have for you tips on how you can have an amazing summer in amazing Dubai.

1. Remember Dubai is in the Middle East – No matter what you do, what you say and where you go – Dubai will always be in the Middle East. This means that summer will be extra hot, extra crisp and extra long. I guess it is not that much of a worry as AC can be anywhere but still, nobody is spared from sweaty underarms and the irritable feeling. Complaining verbally would add insult to the current temperature. So embrace the heat and smile as the burning sensations sets in.

2. AC is life and so is Water – Our body is made up of 75% water and blah, blah and blah. Who cares about this fact when all you would feel for the whole day is thirst and heat. This is why water intake is very essential. No matter what kind of water it is you are drinking – tap, sparkling, carbonated, flavored, iced or not – hydration is key to be cool. Drinking enough water can also help your body adapt to the warm temperature and maybe not bring the thermostat down – making your house/office more Eco-Friendly.

3. Comfort over style – Let us not be victims of the fads and the trends. Since the temperature will surely be peaking, let us hide our hoodies, thick denims and if possible – all things that would be causing you to sweat even more. I didn’t mean to go out and be almost naked – there is a classy way to be cool and to be literally cool. Bring out your pastels, linen materials and all that jazz (visors, sun glasses, fedoras, caps and face towels). It is the season to be laid back and relaxingly colorful.

4. Burning is not an option – Skin care is very important specially during summer when the sun is so happy, it makes you frown and be burned. Get a bottle of sunscreen and be protected from the unwanted UV rays that will make you older and be a prune. You can even chose from a good number of brands in different SPF value. Want a tan? Get a tanning oil or lotion and soak in the sun! Just make sure that you get a tan and not a burn – there is a BIG, BIG, BIG difference.

5. Wear the best accessory – Nothing can bring a sunny and happy disposition down; not even the hottest summer would! So go out, enjoy and never hesitate to SMILE! You may need a little help from caps, sunglasses or even a fedora but a smile would make it more cohesive and perfect!

So go out there and make this weather hotter!



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